Mediajoy, hereby, announces that we present hybrid CD-ROMs, "collectors guide to Rollei T.L.R CAMERA" which traces all of epoch-making Rollei TLR. We are proud to say that the CD-ROMs are full of Rollei history and products thanks to Japanese authorized distributor, Komamura Corporation. (CD-ROMs are available only in Japanese.) |

Recommendation of Paul Dume, President of Rollei Fototechnic G.m.b.H
Dear Valued Customers,
It is my great honor to introduce our 80-year's
traditional Rollei corporate history and products
in CD-ROMs thanks to the one of the Japanese Rollei
Professional Dealers, Mediajoy Company. I am pleased
to say it has never been seen in the world.
The original enterprise of the families of Franke
and Heidecke has developed towards an international
company with up to 6000 employees.
More than 5 million twin-lens reflex and over 3
million of the legendary Rollei 35 cameras were
produced and marketed under Rollei brand name since
beginning of the production of Stereo type camera.
Rollei is now under the extension for single lens
reflex, 6008 Integral, compact camera, projector
and digital solution program. Rollei has often epock
making history in photography worldwide in such
occasion. Especially, Rollei twin lens reflex has
been enjoying the leading position in its long history
with enthusiastic users.
You may enjoy with these CD-ROMs on our proud Rollei
TLR. It surely helps knowing much about the Rollei
history for anyone who loves Rollei products.
We would like you to take this opportunity to take
closer look at the Rollei camera in the CD-ROMs.
If you already own your Rollei camera, we are confident
that your affection to the tradition of Rollei will
even grow up much more than ever.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Dume, President
Rollei Fototechnic GmbH
A large variety of Rollei products have been produced and marketed since Franke and Heidecke first launched a company.
In the CD-ROMs, those cameras are categorized into "Stereoscopic Camera", "Prototype - Automat", "RolleiFlex 2.8 series", "RolleiFlex 3.5 series", "Rolleicord seires", "RolleiFlex 4x4 series" and "Tele & Wide-angle RolleiFlex series", and you can enjoy each camera's specifications, pictures and QuickTime object movies.
Besides, about forty accessories are introduced in detail with pictures and comments.
Ex. :
LensHood with built-in exposure meter - Rolleilux
Lens for close-up photography - Rolleinar
Focal-length modification (magnifier) lens - Mutar
Rangefinder attachement - Rolleimeter
In the CD-ROMs, those five Rollei professionals talk about their Rollei story.
- Contents -
"Visit to RolleiFototechnic G.m.b.H" by Koichi Akagi
talks about the impression of RolleiFototechnic G.m.b.H and Rollei camera.
"Lens fo Rollei" by Tetsu Iida
introduces lens' differences of Rollei TLR through sample shots taken by him.
"History of Rollei" by Shizuo Takashima
comments on from the birth of RolleiFlex to its significance in the TLR camera history.
"Rollei TLR in my life" by Chotoku Tanaka
introduces his way of enjoyment with Rollei TLR.
"Mechanisms and devices of Rollei TLR" by Naoyuki Honda
introduces some tips of repairing and its process in the movie.
The special booklet, "Welcome to the world of RolleiFlex" comes with the CD-ROMs.
From the origin of RolleiFlex to the latest Rollei products, or the history of TLR camera including not only Rollei TLR but also the rival products are introduced by Shizuo Takashima.
Photography by Shizuo Takashima, and Yukihiro Wada (Mediajoy)
*In the booklet, "RolleiFlex in the movie" is written by Yukihiro Wada.
- Contents - - How the TLR camera war born?
- The birth of RolleiFlex
- The shock given by RolleiFlex
- TLR boom in Japan
- Why, RolleiFlex now?
- Reprint of 1939 American RolleiFlex/cord catalog
- RolleiFlex in the movie
- Instructions
Item Number (5554)
collectors guide to Rollei T.L.R CAMERA (CD-ROMs are available only in Japanese.) - 7,800 yen (tax not included.) 
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